Since I finally got paid, I made a trip to Vienna with some of my wonderful new friends in order to make a trip to the big blue and yellow Swedish superstore. I was supposed to catch a train out of Eisenstadt at 06:53 AM and then meet Stefan in Bruck an der Leitha, but unfortunately overslept and woke up to a telephone call from a quite perturbed friend saying "WO BIST DU???". He informed me that the next train left in precisely 25 minutes, and that I had better hurry up. I rushed out the door like mad and flew with the bicycle to the train station. I caught the train, so it all worked out pretty well. Finally met up with Stefan, had some coffee, wandered around the shopping streets, checked out the parliament building and imperial palace, met up with some more friends, went a museum exhibition about Austrian Architecture since 1945, and then finally caught the blue and yellow IKEA bus. Yes, Ikea has a free bus that takes people from downtown Vienna to the shopping city, which is about a 30 minute drive when traffic is good. I managed to buy all kinds of nice things for my room, such as a new duvet cover, some knives, a French Press, coffee mug, blanket, some live bamboo, and an ironing board. I managed to get all this for €53! I love Ikea!! Of course, hauling all that stuff back in the train that evening was a bit of a challenge, but I managed. And now my room is Ikea-fied, and as you can see from the photo, much more "gemütlich" than it was before. I will have to resist the temptation to make another trip!
your room looks now very nice and inviting...
and for our "non-german-speaking" readers i'm really glad to present the following translation riddle: (tranlsate the above statement (from my first comment) and fill in the missing words)
dein ... sieht sehr ... und ... aus
liebe gruesse
lets see... that would be....
Dein Zimmer sieht sehr nett und einladend aus.
Or one could always use the word "schön"....
oh german. How fun it is.
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