20 July 2005


Ug... I am absolutely miserable today. I have strep throat. This is quite possibly the worst time of all for me to get sick, because I have two papers due tomorrow and an exam which consists of a five-minute interview with my professor. All I want to do is go home and sleep. Ug. I hope I feel better tomorrow.

18 July 2005

Cruel Summer

Well, this isn't the type of summer I'm accustomed to here in Athens. In the past, they were always so carefree... these long, hot days could always be whiled away swimming, hiking, or biking. Not for me at this point! I am in the final week of the first summer session, so it's crunch time for my classes. Got up at 6 am today, spending the morning at the library working on reflective journals of my teaching experience thus far, working on a lesson plan, papers, etc. etc. But, there is some good news. I finally got the results back for my German OPI (That's "Oral Proficiency Interview", a German test required for my graduation), and I got a score of "Advanced". Hooray! Accomplishing one thing at a time and taking care of business :)

15 July 2005


I am going to miss my beautiful home.

10 July 2005


I am still trying to get used to the blogging process. It is rather more complex than I imagined! I discovered there was a setting that allows anonymous users to make posts, which I have activated. That way, you won't have to bother with creating an account in order to make a post. Also, I have placed 2 clocks on the bottom of the page which give the time for US Eastern Standard and Central Europe, which may be a useful reference for you. Thanks for your patience, and keep checking back!

08 July 2005

Testing Image Posting....

This is a test of blogger's image posting capabilities. :)

05 July 2005


I got my digital camera this week (Thanks grandma & grandpa!!), so hopefully I will be able to post photos soon. Unfortunately, my computer decided to blow up a week or some prior to this, so I'll have to rely on school/friend's computers in order to work with my images. But, being my resourceful self, I'm sure I will find ways to bring you the photos you crave :)
Keep checking back