29 May 2006

Last Weekend in Vienna

The weather was mostly rainy this weekend, but I managed to snap a few decent photos anyway.

A soldier sleeps on the train.

26 May 2006

Much Needed Update

Sorry about lack of blogging lately. I've been sort of absorbed into my own little life here, and haven't really experienced anything too earth-shaking, but a few updates are in order.

It is now 10 days until I fly to New York, which is so soon that I can hardly believe it.

Good news: I have found employment at a tutoring institute starting in August. The pay is good, so I plan to return to my beloved Austrian earlier than expected. That means my 2 months in Athens will feel more like vacation than a 4 month sentence to boredom and frustration. Yay!

Funny situation did develop with my students the other day. They were reading an article out loud, and the word "beat" in the simple-past form came up. My students insisted on pronouncing the word like "bet", and I said "no.... its 'beat, beat, beaten'". They then proceeded to tell me that my English was inferior for being the American variety. Umm.... NOBODY says "bet" for "beat" in England either kids! When the teacher returned to the room, I wrote all of the forms of the verb on the board, and asked her how she would pronounce them. She said... drum roll please... "Beat, bet, beaten". ARRRG!!!
Afterwards I called Bridget, the TA from England, for reassurance. She said that I was right.
Take that kids! It's MY native language! Not yours!!! Get over it.

Get ready Athens... here I come.

17 May 2006


A day at lake Neusiedl.

02 May 2006


Sorry about the melodramatic message. Just felt a bit freaked out and needed to vent. It happens from time to time.

Had a smashing weekend- went to a fab party in Vienna. My friend Jeanette finished her internship at the American Embassy and had a going away shindig. There were only about 8 of us there, but the crowd meshed really well and we all had fun keeping J awake until her 7 o'clock flight. Present were a Brit and a girl from Ireland. Ludwig and I got on the topic of British English (I'm an expert :-) and asked him if he had ever heard of "choccy bickies." Of course he hadn't, so I shouted across the room "Nea love!!! What are choccy bickies??" Her reply: "Oh, sorry, we 'aven't got any!!"
Needless, to say, the room erupted in laughter.
After everyone calmed down (this took some time) I repeated the question.
"They're chocolate biscuits!!! It's not really that hard is it??"
"Well, we would call them cookies..."