Warum brauchen Amerikaner so viele Energie? Weil wir solche Autos fahren! Ich war den ganzen Zeit mit dem riesen grossen Truck unterwegs. Das ist das drittes Auto meines Elterns, und ich habs gebraucht damit ich in die Arbeit kommen konnte. Hässlich, oder? Einmail habe ich einen Parkstraf bekommen und der Polizist hat die Farbe des Trucks als 'other' aufs Zettel beschrieben. Ganz witzig.

Eichhorchen und Vögel.

Hier ist ein ganz toller Ort in südost Ohio. Hier geht ein Flüsschen durch eine enge und tiefe Falte. Von oben kann man in den Taich springen, was ein bisschen gefährlich ist aber viel spaß macht!

Mein Bruder und ich im selben Ort.

Die Mutter war auch dabei.
Ja, das war schöne Zeiten aber ich freue mich wieder in Österreich zu sein. Hoffentlich habt ihr die Fotos genossen :) -dein Arthur.
Hi Art. I love all the pictures you post - you have a good eye for pleasing and interesting photos. For those of us not blessed enough to speak German, this post was a bit of a disappointment. However, babelfish helped me get the gist of most of it. Here's the lovely translation for the bit about your truck: "Why do Americans need so many energy? Because we such cars drive! I was the whole time with the giant large Truck on the way. That is the third car of my Elterns, and I habs used thereby I into the work to come could. Ugly, or? Einmail has I one park-met gotten and the policeman the color of the Trucks as ' OTHER ' on notes described. Completely funny." So I guess you got a ticket? In Athens? Nonsense! Anyway, what I'd really like to know is the location where that pic was taken of the little pool in a cave. Is that in Ohio? Looks like a cool place. Hope you're having fun back in Austria, and glad to know that you had a safe trip back there!
Hi Heather! Yes, that place is in Ohio. It's called Sheep Dip and it's located in Vinton county at the end of Schoolie Road. Get a map or ask a local. Its about a 40 minute drive from Athens, but definitely worth a visit!
the pictures were wonderful, i think i shall take gavin to the sheep dip, it looks fun. i liked the picture of the squirrel and bird, it reminded me that i needed to feed them today. Good looking out Arthur, i also agree with your friend heather a i dont speak german, just remember your non german speaking friends. Love jacinda
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