13 December 2005

A Day In My Eyes II

Ready for another photographic adventure? Here we go:

This is definitely not my favorite time of the day.

I had enough time to walk today. In the snow.

Just the sight of the train station along the way. As you can see, the trains that run through Eisenstadt on the regional (read: middle of nowhere) line are miniscule. Just one diesel powered car/engine combination thing!

Just another sight along the way. Peter rabbit had best avoid this garden. Check out the skull above the gate!

Ah, here's my destination. The Höhere Technische BundesLehrAnstalt. Usually just abbreviated to HTL, although it says HTBLA on the wall. A nightmare of 1970's architecture.

First things first: A cigarette with my colleagues in the teachers' lounge.

"DO NOT FORGET YOUR CLASSBOOKS (This is a service provided by one of your forgetful colleagues)"

The students in the schools here are not allowed to wear their street shoes. They have to change into slippers when they come in so that the floor doesn't get so dirty. Hence the funny sign here. Teachers, thankfully, wear their street shoes.

Austrian students are required to stand up when the teacher enters the room as a sign of respect. I love it!

Finally on my way out... to the:

Grocery store. And then:

In bed, relaxing with a book. Ahhhh.

That's a typical day for me. Hope you enjoyed!


Anonymous said...

That was fun!

Mom & Dad oughta stop yammerin'
about you not posting enough for now.

I like the students standing attention in their slippers. Does that crazy gate have landmines behind it or something?

Yay for trainlets!


Anonymous said...

E is right, these guided tours are sucha trip. IM so glad you make time to walk to work in those really comfy looking shoes. Kids standing as a sign of respect makes you as prestegious as an American judge! That teachers are afforded so much respect is a testament to the undeniable cultural divide between our countries... Dammit i hate to validate your not-coming-back attitude but look at those kids, YOU ARE Sortof a bIG DEAL! :-p This is funny, my hangover doesnt hurt as much anymore.

Art's Blog said...

HAHAHA!!! Oh Eric you are so funny! I love how we brothers with our own languagelet add -let to random nouns as a diminuitive. In german this accomplished very easily by adding -chen to a noun. This is grammatically correct, although adding -let in english is not. -let is more for comic effect. Most infamous example: we have two doglets. :)
Keep the comments coming, I love them!

Anonymous said...

I really like these books ;-)