When we weren't being wined and dined in our decadent surroundings, we wandered around Graz enjoying the sights and doing a bit of shopping. I must say that I like Graz better than I do Vienna. It is Austria's second largest city with a population of about 300,000. As a result, it has almost everything that Vienna has to offer but with a wonderful small-town charm. I think I might want to live there someday.

We also went up the Schlossberg, which is a little mountain with a clock tower in the middle of the city. Unfortunately it wasn't a very clear day, but here's Eric in front of the clock.

And the view from the tram back down the mountain.

The shopping in Graz was truly world class, and Mom even bought me an early birthday present- A Tracht Anzug! This is a traditional Austrian suit. It's a nice dark grey, but instead of having a traditional collar it has a simple green felt band around the neck and has very nice silver buttons. I wore it to the Schulball this weekend and everyone said I looked like a Styrian. It was fantastic. After our stay in Graz we piled into the car again to take a scenic route through the Alps on the way to the hotel in Bad Ischl. We stopped in this pretty little town on the way for a photo op.

The route was very beautiful, and at the highest point I saw a sign saying that our elevation was 1,500 meters above sea level. The driving was a bit interesting... trying to pass semi-trucks while going up a mountain in an economy car with 3 people and luggage in it on a two lane road is a bit scary. Third gear and full gas would barely do it. I'm just glad I didn't kill anyone.
OK.... I think I've had enough for now. More on Bad Ischl and Salzburg to come.
cool I feel like I was there with you
I do too! I love seeing photos of me in my hat! We had good times in Bad Ischl, be sure to blog about it toute de suite.
i would love to see a picture of you in the suit. gald you didnot kill anyone. jacinda
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