21 December 2005

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

I love christmastime! Everyone is in such a good mood, and tomorrow is my last day of teaching before the break. I have been doing lots of lessons on Christmas in the United States, which is a little bit different. This being a wholly Catholic country, (about 85% of the population is Catholic), there are many traditions that come along with that, like the Advent candles, and St. Nikolaus early in December. St. Nikolaus is sort of like Santa Claus, but on the 24th Austrians are not visited by Santa Claus, but rather the Christ Child himself brings the gifts! The tree doesn't go up until the 24th, (brought by Jesus, of course), and that is also the day they open the gifts.

I came home from school today, found a letter from my mother in the mailbox and a package from my Grandparents in the office. Hooray! I took my loot up to my room, and about 3 minutes later came a knock. I said "Moment!!" and opened the door. There was no on there, but rather a laundry basket with red ribbons wrapped around it and a card attached. I laughed. I yelled down the hall: "NINA!!! I know that was you!!! You can come out now!!!" I heard a giggle from her room, and she said "Scheiße!!" and appeared. She had seen me doing my laundry using my suitcase to haul it to and from the basement, so she got me a laundry basket. I thought that was very sweet!

Hope my beloved masses are enjoying the season as much as I am :)

Yours Always & Holiday Greetings-



Anonymous said...

awww coolnesS! I want to send you some quadruple certified shade grown, bird friendly, organic, fair trade, rainforest alliance approved coffee to warm your kackles . lol just say the word

Art's Blog said...

Mmmmm.... I prefer my coffee bird-free.

Art's Blog said...


What on earth are kackles???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Arthur!! Hope your holidays are great. I know your new year will be. Miss you much, Jacinda

Anonymous said...

missing you this Christmas. Had a silent night, all is bright.
I'll call you on the eve :0 MOM