28 April 2006

Trying to prepare for reverse culture schock

OK.... those of you closest to me probably already know that I shall be back in Ohio for the summer...


So, things on my mind:

1. I have to find an apartment next year. I can't stay in the Studentenheim without paying for a room for the entire summer. Obviously I can't afford this. Also, I have to pay for the month of June according to Mr. Peter the wanker Heimleter. I thought my contract said only until the end of May??? I must look through my documents and check. And consult a lawyer if necessary.

2. How the hell am I going to survive 4 months in the United States? I heard they don't even have espresso there!! (JOKING) Jesus christ. I have to fly to New York on the 4th of June, and then my lovely brother and his girlfriend shall pick me up. I really do love them... lovely people really... but they're going to expect me to show them about a metropolis when I'm jetlaged when I really will just want a nice bed to sleep on and something... something... FESTGELEGT to wake up on.

3. My love life here is an absolute mess. Again, those of you close to me probably know the story.... what the hell awaits me when I come back? Should I keep fighting to be free and single?? I HAVEN'T BEEN PROPERLY LAID IN AGES!!!! Actually, I think the last time was actually in ATHENS!!! AAAHHHHHH!!!!!! (I really think L is the best option... but I don't trust me to trust myself)

4. I really don't want to pack all of this shit up. Why am I so disorganized??

5. I'm in debt. Why did I give citibank my Austrian address? Will I ever escape this malady? I am EDUCATED and TALENTED!!! When is somebody going to pay me more than 1,000 euro a month??? How is it that some people have everything and others have nothing?? Perhaps I should find a real profession.


Anonymous said...

Take a Valium. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Of course I read your blog, Arthur! I check it at least once a day. In fact, I probably read it more than you do. I especially love your Anthropology through TV post.

I know big change is always overwhelming, but relax. Its all going to be fine. You have handled much bigger challenges than this. Anyways, just think of the summer as a chance to brush up on your English...and your poker! (Just try not to freak out when Matt calls you out on your Kings down) The summer will be fun and amazing and before you know it you will be back in your beloved Austria. Just think of all the great people you'll be able to spend some time with. Stephen, Anne, Matt and I are all very excited to see you again, and I'm SURE Krista will make at least one appearance. There's even talk of a possible road trip to Atlantic City for a fun weekend of gambling and general debauchery.

Of all of my friends you are, hands down, the best at making the most out of every situation. So stop freaking out and make some damn lemonade out of those lemons!! (not to be cliche or anything..)


Anonymous said...

Nice post Kelli, and no I didn't recommend the Valium. Of course you are in debt, you are a recent college grad... your debt could look like a mortgage you know.
Eric and Kara know you will be jet lagged.They will be so glad to see you, you can sleep all the way home.
You are disorginized because you are my son, it's equal parts genetics and enviornmental influence.
Don't pack all your stuff, gift a lot of it and try to remember you don't need it all again next year.
You wanted to repeat the Fulbright commission, hence the salary cap...you love it.
I don't feel competent to comment on your love life, except to say it's easy to be easy, it's hard to like yourself later.
If you could find an apartment from a quarter of the way around the world, you can find one while there (probably the day before you leave-you work well under pressure)
Another cliche: don't sweat the small stuff and it's all small stuff.
Love you Mom