19 October 2005

Getting Colder

The weather here has started to get chilly. I also just got a bicycle, so I've been sporting the scarf and gloves when riding to school. The commute is so much better now, and I don't think I will end up getting a car simply because the money could be used for better things, I think. I also hear that the snowplows are very effective, so it shouldn't be a problem in the winter. And, on particularly snowy days, there is always the City-Taxi. Today I divided my students into groups and had them look through copies of the Athens News and make lists of things that they found interesting or strange. It was really cool, since they were all very interested and since Athens is such a peculiar place, we had plenty to talk about.
Fun factoid: I assume many of you are familiar with the show "Pimp my Ride" on MTV, where they take people's old crappy cars and, well, pimp them, with sound systems and DVD players and fancy paintjobs. Well, they absolutely love that show here, so much, in fact, that there is a low-budget German version called "Pimp my Fahrrad" (Bicycle). It is absolutely ridiculous, they take people's bikes and add silly streamers and bells and things. So very strange.
My thoughts are becoming more and more germanified, so much that I have actually been dreaming in German. I also bought a radio alarm clock, which is really cool because now I can listen to funky german musik and hear the news and weather. About half of the stations are Austrian, and the other half Hungarian, since I'm so close to the border. It seems that the best music is on the Hungarian stations, which is unfortunate, because I would rather here the German language. Either way, its a good way to wake up in the morning. I made it to my 8:00 class this morning fresh and ready, thanks to the Red Bull I had for breakfast. Did you know Red Bull is three times stronger here? It is an Austrian product, by the way. They can't do it that way in the US because it violates the drug laws! It says it has 32mg of caffeine per 100ml, and the can contains 250ml. I'm not exactly sure how that works out... but I think its way stronger than coffee. Cheers to stronger Red Bull.


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. Pimp that bike, Art! You kick ass.


Anonymous said...

coffee 5oz has avg 120 mg caffeine, 1 oz dark chocolate avg 30 mg. Mmmm those are my choices. I bet the dark chocolate there is triple strength too...
chocoholic java junkie

Zach G said...

Red Bull is really a Thai recipe and that thieverish Austrian stole it... once again the west exploits the east. Haha, i'm just really hyper... i love your blog art!

Anonymous said...

just what you need more caffeine and a pimped out bike. glad you are having a good time, miss u jacinda

Anonymous said...

hahahhaha Pimping bikes seems like more of a challenge so cheers to the adventageous Germans! Its so awesome that you are appreciating the culture in its entirety. Send me some redbull Art... lets make a trade. PArliments for redbull?!

Anonymous said...

Hey zach,
i just found a nice girl-foto on flickr, which reminds me at your one.
have a look http://www.flickr.com/photos/duckduckgoose/