16 October 2005

Where All the Naughty Children Live

I have been having a pleasant weekend in Eisenstadt. I went out with all my new friends last night, which was great, because we're only getting closer. The best story of the night was about a local taxi driver. The city taxi only costs two euro, so it is a very popular option for going out in groups. Once you get four people in a taxi, it only costs 50 cents to get to the bar. Well, as you may know, our address here is known as "Campus 2". One of the taxi drivers in town always calls it the "Krampus", which is very witty. Krampus is an Austrian/German Christmas tradition, and it's sort of the anti-santa day. Some guy that works for the devil comes every December 6th to find all the naughty children and beat them with sticks or something like that, as far as I understood it. So, everyone thinks that this particular taxi driver is quite funny. The preffered locale for young drinkers is called the Mendez, and it has a sort of Cuban theme to it and is actually quite large and usually crowded. So, this town isn't entirely boring. So, I amused myself, and made it safely back to Krampus :)
I know I haven't been posting many pictures, so I took one of the sun setting outside my window and of the technology center next door.

Tomorrow I don't have to teach, because there is an information day for teaching assistants. All of them that work in Burgenland are coming here to Eisenstadt. I don't know exactly what they're going to do with us, but I'm looking forward to it because it will include the French, Italian, and Croatian assistants as well as the English speakers. Need to catch up on my rest so I can be energetic for the week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want more pictures!!!!!! Put your camera to good use. miss u Arthur B. love, Jacinda