11 October 2005

Work at the HTL- finally

So, I had a nice day at the HTL. I went in at 10:35, as promised, and met with all the English teachers in the lounge. They all argued about who got to have me in their lessons and when. They ended up compromising such that I go with certain teachers one week, and then others the next. It was rather amusing, but kind of complicated. There is a German teacher at this school who was very excited to meet me. Apparently she did an exchange program in Minnesota when she was 19, so she was very conversational with me. She also teaches the choir class, and had a rather amusing question for me. She asked me to explain what "Sock it to me" means, since the class is singing "RESPECT" by Aretha Franklin. How exactly does one explain that? I had to say that in the context of the song, it means "Give it to me", in reference to the respect. But, then I also had to explain that to "sock" someone is to hit them. She was confused. Come to think of it, so am I. I love you Aretha, but your lyrics don't make any sense in this case!
My contact teacher, Sonja, is super nice. I really really like her! I found out today that she is pregnant. She told me when she asked me to carry the projector upstairs. So cute! I think she said she's about 3 months along or so. It should be interesting, since I will be here for the rest of her pregnancy. I wonder if I'll get to meet her baby! Her class was very friendly and pretty interested. I think they have been the first ones to laugh at my jokes. Overall, the HTL seems to be more laid back than the Gymnasium. It's a damn good thing too, since they don't have any free coffee here like at the other school.
I got mail today! Hooray! One piece was a letter from the Ministry of Education stating my official salary and the fact that I'm in their system. This is good news because it probably means I will get paid on time. The other was from the Ohio BMV, a packet of forms for replacing my drivers' license from abroad. I had contacted them by email, and they were astonishingly efficient.
Food! I went to the grocery and I bought some mixed-grain organic bread. The loaf weighs an entire Kilo, and I think it could probably be used as a deadly weapon in case of emergency. My weak butterknife is hardly the tool to cut it with either- a chainsaw would be more appropriate. But damn is it good bread! I also managed to find some pesto (yum!) to go with my chicken and pasta. So, I've been eating better since my little adventure at McDonald's.
Anyway... it's back to the HTL tomorrow for another round of introductions. Looks like Wednesdays are going to be busy, starting at 8 am. Until next time....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Art, Your Mom and Dad told me where your blog was. Glad to hear you are having so much fun. Sorry to have missed you before you left. I'll have to send a picture of the baby to you - not so much a baby anymore. Have fun. - Laurie